Welcome to Peopoly Support section!

Moai SLA Printer User Manual

Moai Print Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

For software and files download:

Recommended software for adding support: Peopoly Asura  (Windows x86/x64) 

How to register Asura

Galvo Calibration Test Files

Test Print File - Ring

Recommend exposure settings

Recommend exposure settings for Moai  

If you are having SD card or USB drive issue, use SD card Formatter firstrst

Please stay with Chitubox Beta as suggested by the Setup guide. The 1.6.5 is quite buggy and causes some printers to function incorrectly. We have not had it tested enough to recommend it.

Make sure you clear out Chitubox from any version before installing the intended one. Here is how:

Chitubox often has leftover files from previous versions and sometimes it corrupts new versions. Factory reset does not always work. This is how you can get a clean Chitubox installation:

1 Uninstall ALL chitubox software on your computer.

2 Delete all the leftover files in AppData\Local under the user directory. There may be more than one directory and the name of the directory always starts with chitu.

3. install the Chitubox version you want, we recommend Chitubox Beta as it has built-in Phenom profiles and is less crash-prone with larger model files.