Want to go even faster with your Forge?
About a month ago, we shared a speed optimized profile for Deft and Neo resin that could reduce time by 30%. Now we are going to cut time by another 40% on top of the 30%.
How do we do it? By going to 100um.
The advantages of printing thickers are
- Less layers to print, thus less movement
- Thicker layer often means strong print
- No loss of the X/Y resolution
While not all resins are designed for it, and for high speed lift, our Deft and Neo resins are ideal for such applications.
Here is what you need:

- Use of Vlare Slicer
- Use of Deft or Neo resin by Peopoly
- Setting heated vat to 35C on the controller,not much higher or lower

Vlare Profile: (click to download)
Default Heavy Support on Vlare

Good Pratices:
1.Before Printing
- Mix the resin and expose FEP film to air
- Check FEP film condition before printing
- Clean the film on the panel
- Preheat resin in VAT to target temperature

2.After printing
- Wash the print as quickly as soon as possible
- Dry print immediately after washing
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