Vlare Slicer

We are excited to tell you about the Vlare 2.1.3 update, which improves the Forge user experience. We helped with feedback and function suggestions with improved workflow, speed, and features. Here is a list of new features and improvements:

1) Speed
Slicing is a lot faster than in the past and uses less memory.

2) WiFi Transfer Speed also improved by 20%

3) Better Interface
Better flow and newer, easier-to-read icons.

4) New Moulding Function

We use it to make closed molds with silicone. You can make 2 pieces of cut mold or 1 piece of closed mold.

It also has cross-beam / honeycomb support for the internals of the hollowed objects. This is very important to ensure the object holds its shape and preserves accuracy.

Download 2.1.3 here

Feel free to contact us at contact@peopoly.net with any questions.

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