Launch, Pre-order, and Production Updates for Magneto X

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your incredible support of Magneto X. This week, we reached our pre-order limit, and we believe it's the perfect moment to provide you with critical updates on production and address some of the frequent questions that have come our way.

Why Pre-order and Why Limit Availability?

Creating in-house linear motors and controllers involves new technology that we're passionate about getting right—for you. Our goal is to ensure that you have an optimal user experience. The limited initial release strategy allows us to carefully scale production, resolve any logistical hurdles, and above all, maintain our unwavering commitment to quality. We're currently undertaking a pre-production run to assess scalability and refine our monthly production capabilities. Rest assured, once we're confident in the process, we'll open up more slots for orders.

The Pre-production Step

We've received most of the components required for our pre-production run. This step serves as a test phase and calibration period for the final production line, allowing us to identify and rectify any potential issues. The assembly will kick off this Friday and continue into the next week. Expect a detailed update from us soon.

ERRF 2023 Highlights

A big shoutout to everyone who visited our booth at ERRF 2023. Your feedback is invaluable. We took note that the table was wobbling due to the force generated by Magneto X. To ensure optimal printing results, we'll be sharing our recommended print station configurations before shipping. And I like to thank our friends Helio, Flávia, Richard, Sarah, and Raymond to helping out at the booth. 

Future Updates

Now that we're back and more focused than ever, we're committed to keeping you informed. Watch out for regular updates on production and ongoing development on our blog. We'll also share news through major social media channels and via email. We're excited to delve into some additional features in upcoming updates, features we couldn't fully cover during our initial launch.

Thank you once again for your enthusiastic support. It fuels our commitment to delivering nothing short of excellence.




Roman Nikitin

Roman Nikitin

Adrian H,
This will greatly weaken the frame and you can forget about quality printing.
please leave the frame as is.



I hope we get to see the printer actually working soon. It was supposed to be shown during ERRF, and now it’s “when we have a pre-production run done”. I’m just a little worried it’s not working as expected after all.
It would be really nice to see a few more videos—or even just photos!—of the prototypes in action. No one expects them to be flawless already.

Carlos Echenique

Carlos Echenique

This tech looks so promising, I cancelled my pre-order of a Prusa XL. Will there be an MMU add-on in the future?

Adrian H

Adrian H

Please find a way to remove or redesign the front cross beam so it doesn’t block the view of the toolhead for:

1. Easy viewing of the print
2. Toolhead Servicing accessibility
3. Option for non-tinted front door panels.

Mubariz malik

Mubariz malik

Super excited i really hope it has quick swap nozzles

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